
Stirrings. January takes its name from Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He had two faces so he could see the future and the past! He was also the god of doors. Winter light. Naked trees and bright moons. Dark skies and stars. Quieten rest in the stillness Ice and snow swirl and whirl Breathe Read more about January[…]

Sweet Darkness

Earliest sunsets from 7th until the 18th December When your eyes are tiredthe world is tired also.When your vision has goneno part of the world can find you. Time to go into the darkwhere the night has eyesto recognize its own.There you can be sureyou are not beyond love. The dark will be your womb Read more about Sweet Darkness[…]

First frosts

Frost forms in swirling ferns and birds sing it’s praise,crows call far out across the fields and beyond expanding my hearing and my heart as I follow the sounds into the beyond. The average first frost for many inland areas in the UK and Ireland is within the first ten days of November later along the Read more about First frosts[…]

Late September

Sitings of the crescent moon glowing in the embers of the setting sun reach us on Sundaybut we only catch sight of it on moon day and are awed. with the risingthe little egret orchid blooms, takes flight and fades almost within a day we could so easily have missed it. And it’s presence Leads Read more about Late September[…]

Autumn breakfast

Blue Iris Poems and Essays By Mary OliverA celebration of the bounties and blessings of nature. A Book Excerpt on Wonder How Would You Live Then? What if a hundred rose-breasted grosbeaksflew in circles around your head? What ifthe mockingbird came into the house with you andbecame your advisor? What ifthe bees filled your walls with honey and Read more about Autumn breakfast[…]

Let the rhythm call you home

Hard rain overnight. 4am Crack of Dawn pulsing energy. Deep, dark new moon journey. Blue throat chakra, black cat.Bigger cats, lions, tigers and jaguars, prowl and roar. Summer solstice wonderland Jasmine scent.Peas pop. Wild cherries with poison at their hearts. Soft breeze, floating clouds, rustling leaves. Father’s Day cider and hops.Sleep so near and so Read more about Let the rhythm call you home[…]


Light workers says Lorie Ladd alchemise the fear and divide. Into love and unity hold the love. Let it run to ground. Keep remembering. coming back. in love and compassion. I am here to alchemise. anger, rage, Hatred, separateness. David Whyte describes how these emotions show us the love within us. Keep connected to other Read more about Ascension[…]