Peace lab

Humanity Rising Welcome to the Peace LABan Experiment & Journey in Peace LABoratory ~ experiments, investigates, researches, and explorations, and some emergent design … ALSOLAByrinth ~ one winding, irregular, peaceful path in and out! The Peace LAB is the culmination of hundreds of hours of intense dialogue within ChatAction. Its genesis came from one of our members, Kurt Read more about Peace lab[…]


Worts & weeds Nuts & Berries Goldfinches chattering on thistles  & Swallows preparing to leave August brings the best bounty of the season—ripened tomatoes, beans, peas and corn. THE MONTH OF AUGUST August was named to honor the first Roman emperor (and grandnephew of Julius Caesar), Augustus Caesar (63 b.c.–a.d. 14). Find out the origin of each month’s name. Read more about August[…]

Let the rhythm call you home

Hard rain overnight. 4am Crack of Dawn pulsing energy. Deep, dark new moon journey. Blue throat chakra, black cat.Bigger cats, lions, tigers and jaguars, prowl and roar. Summer solstice wonderland Jasmine scent.Peas pop. Wild cherries with poison at their hearts. Soft breeze, floating clouds, rustling leaves. Father’s Day cider and hops.Sleep so near and so Read more about Let the rhythm call you home[…]

Imbolc – In the belly & St Brigid’s day

At the mid point between winter solstice & spring equinox Spring stirs This Celtic festival honours the goddess Brigid, who represents the maiden, and heralds the beginning of the awakening of nature. St Brigid and her magic cloak St Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland (c. 451-525) is one of Ireland’s patron saints along Read more about Imbolc – In the belly & St Brigid’s day[…]


Love is in the air, on the song of courting birds. February comes from the word februum (purification) and februa, the rites or instruments used for purification. Time to spring clean, out with the old, to make space for the new. Lent detox Dreamtime. Nature is beginning to stir, and just as the seeds are Read more about February[…]


Stirrings. January takes its name from Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He had two faces so he could see the future and the past! He was also the god of doors. Winter light. Naked trees and Moons. Dark skies and stars. Quieten, rest in the stillness Ice and snow swirl and whirlbreathe slow. Settle. Read more about January[…]

Autumn breakfast

Blue Iris Poems and Essays By Mary OliverA celebration of the bounties and blessings of nature. A Book Excerpt on Wonder How Would You Live Then? What if a hundred rose-breasted grosbeaksflew in circles around your head? What ifthe mockingbird came into the house with you andbecame your advisor? What ifthe bees filled your walls with honey and Read more about Autumn breakfast[…]

Dawn chorus Get into the Rhythm of International Dawn Chorus Day 2020 International Dawn Chorus Day is held on the first Sunday in May each year. The event is promoted by the Wildlife Trust and this is the perfect opportunity for nature lovers to gather at dawn in one of the scenic spots in the United Read more about Dawn chorus[…]