Diminishing moon waning into darkness

This time of the lunar cycle with the moon disappearing into darkness (before the new moon on Thursday) can be a difficult time of the month, as energy levels drop and our inner critic can tend to take a hold and we haven’t got the energy to keep the positivity up.  This time of the Read more about Diminishing moon waning into darkness[…]


Stirrings. January takes its name from Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He had two faces so he could see the future and the past! He was also the god of doors. Winter light. Naked trees and bright moons. Dark skies and stars. Quieten rest in the stillness Ice and snow swirl and whirl Breathe Read more about January[…]

Winter solstice

https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b06s96l4?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile BBC Radio 4 The essay Winter solstice From Sharon Blackie Old Crane woman There is an old Greek term: ‘halcyon days’. It springs from a story about the halcyon (from the kingfisher family), about which Aristotle has this to say: ‘The halcyon breeds at the season of the winter solstice. Accordingly, when this season Read more about Winter solstice[…]

Winter solstice – the Hibernal solstice

In Persian culture, the winter solstice is called Yaldā (meaning: birth) and it has been celebrated for thousands of years. It is referred to as the eve of the birth of Mithra, who symbolised light, goodness and strength on earth. LIZ LOCHHEAD In the Mid-Midwinter ‘Tis the year’s midnight, and it is the day’s – from John Donne’s ‘A Nocturnal Read more about Winter solstice – the Hibernal solstice[…]