Full Pink Moon in Scorpio

The culmination of the 6 months from the Scorpio new moon in November – the two magical times of samhain and beltane. A sacred pause in the cocoon as the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly Pink Moon – April  Here is Moon Circle’s 3 minute Taurus Scorpio Full Moon Ritual by Dana Gerhardt and “April’s Full Pink Moon” Read more about Full Pink Moon in Scorpio[…]


Start April         Sunrise (Twilight         (6.16am) 6.50am,             Sunset (Twilight) 7.49pm (8.24pm) By the end of the month                        (5.48am) 8.38am                             8.38pm  (9.16pm) Hailstones & Sunshine, blackbirds bicker, blackthorn blossom, Llygaid Ebril Aprils eye the celandine open 1st April fools day 5th Qing Ming Pure Brightness / Clear and bright – qīngmíng festivals 5th term Read more about April[…]

Full Worm Moon in Libra

The insects awaken, the sap rises Libra air / kindness/balance/harmony/relationships – make space, the worms are aerating the soil. What this full moon is illuminating is recent wounds and long term scars that inhibit our capacity for long term relating. The repeating patterns that I need to heal & release, to weed out, to get Read more about Full Worm Moon in Libra[…]

Vernal Equinox – Ostara

The time of the year equivalent to 6am We enter the light half of the year and rise from sleep Light reaches its peak of increasing at 4 minutes per day compared to 1 minute/day at the solstice. It will continue to increase but more gradually from now until the summer solstice. The full moon Read more about Vernal Equinox – Ostara[…]

Pisces New moon

Dreams, liminality, the place between sleep and waking. The time of reawakening, stirring out of hibernation bringing the dreams of winter to the shore of consciousness. The final sign of the zodiac, the birthing of the dream. Believe. The fish has a reputation for being emotional and dreamy, but also exceptionally supportive of all matters of Read more about Pisces New moon[…]

jīngzhé – hibernating insects awaken

Earth aerated Jīngzhé, 惊蛰, is the 3rd of the 24 solar terms (節氣) in the traditional Chinese calendars. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 360°. More often, it refers to the day when the Sun is exactly at a celestial longitude of 345°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually Read more about jīngzhé – hibernating insects awaken[…]

Snow Moon in Virgo – Dreams become reality – first blossoms

Full Snow Moon in Virgo, sun in Pisces. The Farmer’s Almanac tells us that February’s full moon is known as the Snow Moonamongst the Native Americans – Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February’s full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred Read more about Snow Moon in Virgo – Dreams become reality – first blossoms[…]