New Moon in Cancer

According to Lia Leendertz in The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2020 This moon is the time where, With all the work, lessons and reflections under our belts, now we are in a good position to understand the direction we want to move towards. This new moon says listen to your dreams and sit down Read more about New Moon in Cancer[…]

jīngzhé – hibernating insects awaken

Earth aerated Jīngzhé, 惊蛰, is the 3rd of the 24 solar terms (節氣) in the traditional Chinese calendars. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 360°. More often, it refers to the day when the Sun is exactly at a celestial longitude of 345°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually Read more about jīngzhé – hibernating insects awaken[…]

Imbolc – In the belly & St Brigid’s day

At the mid point between winter solstice & spring equinox Spring stirs This Celtic festival honours the goddess Brigid, who represents the maiden, and heralds the beginning of the awakening of nature. St Brigid and her magic cloak St Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland (c. 451-525) is one of Ireland’s patron saints along Read more about Imbolc – In the belly & St Brigid’s day[…]

February/March Moon gardening

Aquarius until the 19th – Water bearer – purifying & nourishing the earth Pisces from 19th two fishes swimming in opposite directions- All that was integrated from last year in germinating the seed and incubating/overwintering/weathering/nourishing the seed with the broken down goodness of latest year’s detritus gives rise to the roots & shoots of this Read more about February/March Moon gardening[…]

The approach of the thunderbirds

The thunderbird a legendary creature in certain Indigenous peoples of North American is said to create thunder by flapping its wings (Algonqian) and lightning by flashing its eyes (Algonquian, Iroquois). In Algonquian mythology, the thunderbird controls the upper world while the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The thunderbird creates not just thunder (with its wing-flapping), but Read more about The approach of the thunderbirds[…]

So live your life

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.Prepare a Read more about So live your life[…]