Early Summer

From Beltane 1st May, or shortly after as the heat waves catch up with the increased light waves (14th May), until Lammas 1st August, we move into early summer. ”In the western world, we are familiar with the four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, in the Taoist understanding of time and change Read more about Early Summer[…]


Michael hetherington liver and gall bladder meridians connected with smooth flow of energy around the body and detoxifying. Yoga opening the side body and shoulders, pummelling and qigong. Spring is that time of year when new energy, new life and new dreams blossom. As we move out of the colder and more introverted months of Read more about Spring[…]

The time of Fire

Beyond all polarities, I amLet the judgments and opinions of the mindBe judgments and opinions of the mindAnd you exist behind thatAh so, ah soIt’s really time for you to see throughThe absurdity of your own predicamentYou aren’t who you thought you wereYou just aren’t that personAnd in this very lifetimeYou can know itRight nowThe Read more about The time of Fire[…]

Om Anandamayi

https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/A9ZBA2nQZmwmqB917 All Nature dumbly calls to her alone To heal with her feet the aching throb of life And break the seals on the dim soul of man And kindle her fire in the closed heart of things. ||81.24|| Om, She full of Bliss, She full of Consciousness, She full of Truth, She who is Read more about Om Anandamayi[…]


There is a place in the heart where everything meets.Go there if you want to find me.Mind, senses, soul, eternity, all are there.Are you there? Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart.Give yourself to it with total abandon. Quiet ecstasy is there – and a steady, regal sense of resting in a perfect Read more about Radiance[…]