Rhythms of Life

Dancing Nature's Rhythms


Lichen on bare branches, winds howl, birdsong builds, daffodils spear & leafbuds fatten Love is in the air, on the song of courting birds. February comes from the word februum (purification) and februa, the rites or instruments used for purification. Time to spring clean, out with the old, to make space for the new. Lent Read more about February[…]


Monk: What happens when the leaves fall and the trees are bare?Union: The golden Wind, revealed.Hegikan Roku the blue cliff record.Yoga through the seasons Sandra sabatini,In Buddhism the Golden Wind is a metaphor for the reality that you can only experience and which we call God.  From midway between Samhain and winter solstice, so the Read more about Winter[…]

Imbolc – In the belly & St Brigid’s day

At the mid point between winter solstice & spring equinox Spring stirs This Celtic festival honours the goddess Brigid, who represents the maiden, and heralds the beginning of the awakening of nature. St Brigid and her magic cloak St Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland (c. 451-525) is one of Ireland’s patron saints along Read more about Imbolc – In the belly & St Brigid’s day[…]

Aquarius 2-4 am

Aquarius, the sign of the sacred water-bearer, purifying & nourishing the earth Sun in Aquarius 20th January- 19th February Moon cycle in Aquarius 9th feb – 10th march.  (Equivalent to 3.30 – 5.30am)  Stirrings.  THE MONTH OF LOVEBirds singing & nesting   Valentine’s Day/birds wedding dayDreams turning into plans.  Roots pushing down  establish foundations   Prepare the ground. tap into your inner wisdom during Read more about Aquarius 2-4 am[…]


Forget every idea of right and wrong any classroom ever taught youBecause an empty heart, a tormented mind, unkindness, jealousy and fearAre always the testimony you have been completely fooled!Turn your back on those who would imprison your wondrous spiritWith deceit and lies.Come, join the honest company of the King’s beggars –Those gamblers, scoundrels and Read more about A GOLDEN COMPASS[…]

The best season

Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn,a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,this is the best season of your life. by Wu Men Hui-k’aiEnglish version by Stephen Mitchell Flowing in and out of all the cycles of the life. Our breath, the circadian daily rhythmn , Read more about The best season[…]

For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet

Joy Harjo Put down that bag of potato chips, that white bread, that bottle of pop. Turn off that cellphone, computer, and remote control. Open the door, then close it behind you. Take a breath offered by friendly winds. They travel the earth gathering essences of plants to clean. Give it back with gratitude. If Read more about For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet[…]

Moon phases

Watch the animation below to see how the phases of the Moon work during a complete lunar cycle. https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/names-full-moons-throughout-year How many phases of the Moon are there? In between these, the Moon goes through multiple stages of partial illumination during its different phases. These are the banana-shaped crescent Moon, the D-shaped quarter Moon and the almost complete gibbous Moon. Read more about Moon phases[…]

The Natural Flow of Life

In the Complete book of Oriental Yoga Hatha and Taoist Yoga for the Seasons By Michael Hetherington says,“ There is no doubt that energy moves through us differently according to the time of day, the climatic conditions, the attitudes we harbor and the cycles of the moon, just to name a few. With the natural Read more about The Natural Flow of Life[…]

Diminishing moon waning into darkness

This time of the lunar cycle with the moon disappearing into darkness (before the new moon on Thursday) can be a difficult time of the month, as energy levels drop and our inner critic can tend to take a hold and we haven’t got the energy to keep the positivity up.  This time of the Read more about Diminishing moon waning into darkness[…]


Stirrings. January takes its name from Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He had two faces so he could see the future and the past! He was also the god of doors. Winter light. Naked trees and bright moons. Dark skies and stars. Quieten rest in the stillness Ice and snow swirl and whirl Breathe Read more about January[…]