New Moon in Cancer

According to Lia Leendertz in The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2020 This moon is the time where, With all the work, lessons and reflections under our belts, now we are in a good position to understand the direction we want to move towards. This new moon says listen to your dreams and sit down Read more about New Moon in Cancer[…]

July Bloom & Wild

Purple Knapweed, Yellow wagtails Puffs of Meadowsweet & Pokers of Rosebay Willowherb & the smell of cool woodlands 5th New moon in Cancer 7th July Islamic New year & Chinese season of Xiǎo shǔ – Slight heat 15th St. Swithin’s Day – On St Swithin’s day if it doesn’t rain, for 40 days it will Read more about July Bloom & Wild[…]

Let the rhythm call you home

Hard rain overnight. 4am Crack of Dawn pulsing energy. Deep, dark new moon journey. Blue throat chakra, black cat.Bigger cats, lions, tigers and jaguars, prowl and roar. Summer solstice wonderland Jasmine scent.Peas pop. Wild cherries with poison at their hearts. Soft breeze, floating clouds, rustling leaves. Father’s Day cider and hops.Sleep so near and so Read more about Let the rhythm call you home[…]

June in the garden june in the gardenJune is a wonderful time in the garden, flowers are starting to appear in abundance and there’s plenty to harvest in the veg patch. Keep on top of supporting your plants and keep an eye out for cold nights at this time of year as some plants will still need plenty Read more about June in the garden[…]

Early Summer

From Beltane 1st May, or shortly after as the heat waves catch up with the increased light waves (14th May), until Lammas 1st August, we move into early summer. ”In the western world, we are familiar with the four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, in the Taoist understanding of time and change Read more about Early Summer[…]

Beltane or Calan Mai Union of the Divine Goddess and the Green Man

Calan Mai “Calend (first day) of May”) or Calan Haf  “Calend of Summer”) is a May Day holiday of Wales held on 1 May. Celebrations start on the evening before, known as May Eve, with bonfires; as with Calan Gaeaf or November 1, the night before (Welsh: Nos Galan Haf) is considered an Ysbrydnos or “spirit night” when spirits are out and about divination is possible. The tradition of lighting bonfires celebrating Read more about Beltane or Calan Mai Union of the Divine Goddess and the Green Man[…]

Vernal Equinox – Ostara

The time of the year equivalent to 6am We enter the light half of the year and rise from sleep Light reaches its peak of increasing at 4 minutes per day compared to 1 minute/day at the solstice. It will continue to increase but more gradually from now until the summer solstice. The full moon Read more about Vernal Equinox – Ostara[…]