Winter solstice BBC Radio 4 The essay Winter solstice From Sharon Blackie Old Crane woman There is an old Greek term: ‘halcyon days’. It springs from a story about the halcyon (from the kingfisher family), about which Aristotle has this to say: ‘The halcyon breeds at the season of the winter solstice. Accordingly, when this season Read more about Winter solstice[…]

Pisces New moon

Dreams, liminality, the place between sleep and waking. The time of reawakening, stirring out of hibernation bringing the dreams of winter to the shore of consciousness. The final sign of the zodiac, the birthing of the dream. Believe. The fish has a reputation for being emotional and dreamy, but also exceptionally supportive of all matters of Read more about Pisces New moon[…]

Amaterasu – The Sun Returns

“Shines from heaven” Amaterasu Ômikami is one of the chief deities in Japanese mythology. The Sun Goddess, she is considered the divine ancestor of the Imperial line, and of many of the other key members of the Shinto pantheon. The chief deity enshrined at Ise Shrine, Amaterasu Ômikami was the daughter of Izanagi and Izanami, as well as the older sister Read more about Amaterasu – The Sun Returns[…]

Lunar New Year The naked new In the birth canalPoised to becomeHeld in a prism of potentialUnknown to selfUnknown to the worldBut intact, Armed with love,Ready. ‘What am I?’ said the Self..Honeysuckle laced with dew,Candle wax and frogspawn,Rainbows and lily pads,Piano keys and the wet mudof the potters wheel.You are it all,You are life. ‘But what comes next?’ Read more about Lunar New Year[…]

The approach of the thunderbirds

The thunderbird a legendary creature in certain Indigenous peoples of North American is said to create thunder by flapping its wings (Algonqian) and lightning by flashing its eyes (Algonquian, Iroquois). In Algonquian mythology, the thunderbird controls the upper world while the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The thunderbird creates not just thunder (with its wing-flapping), but Read more about The approach of the thunderbirds[…]


Be good, do good, feel good and let / trust that everything else take care of itself. Seren-ity / Seren-dipity / Serene – clear, calm, unruffled  The Three Princes of Serendip is the English version of the story Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo published by Michele Tramezzino in Venice in 1557. Tramezzino claimed to Read more about Serendipity[…]