Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon
All of the moons we have had over th least few months have been perfect in helping us to learn from and process and rise up into all that has been happening – but the magic of this new moon solar eclipse falling literally hours after we move through the doorway into the second half of the year is nothing short of mind-blowingly magical – this is a new beginning like never before.
You may have felt it this week, or even over the last month, that big shifts and changes are coming. The last few months of 2020 have been intense to say the least. But alongside this intensity has come a powerful opportunity to see your life for how it is. To begin to question whether you are moving in the direction you want to go or going after the things you really want or what you actually want from life. To perhaps show you that the way you were living wasn’t working and that there are certain ways or things that you no longer want to go back to doing.
Cancer is the watery sign of emotions so don’t be surprised if you’ve been feeling overly emotional or sensitive these last few days. These emotions are surfacing for a reason, and there is no way to hide under a Cancer moon. Anything and everything you have suppressed, are unwilling to see or hear or address or have been avoiding will come bubbling back up to the surface for you to deal with, learn from and, once and for all, release so that you don’t take it into the second half of 2020 with you.
This moon will show you the ways in which you say you want to create change and freedom, then pull your crab-like shell around yourself to prevent failure, or getting hurt, or scuttle away in denial to avoid confrontation.

The Cancer moon will help you to see and face up to all of this and move forward into the second half of 2020, despite the doubts and fears that you have previously allowed to hold you back. Not only that but the Cancer moon will also give you the courage and power that you need to make necessary changes so that you can begin to put your own needs first and focus more on self-love and what YOU want out of the rest of 2020.
This moon will help you to set boundaries with people who take too much, say no to situations that don’t make you feel comfortable, and walk away from anything that has been uncertain or not serving your bigger picture visions and dreams. This moon will help you to call back your power in any life areas you feel like you have lost it.
As eclipses block out the light of the sun they take you into the darkness, but only so that you can clearly see what you have been hiding from and avoiding, all that has been subconsciously keeping you scared, stuck and small.

If you’ve been feeling sad, fearful or ruminating over the past these are all the effects of the eclipse. Sit with what is coming up for you, listen, feel and through this you can heal. Eclipses help to reveal the truth about situations and most of all life; they are a huge gift from the universe to help guide you back onto the right path. Especially if you have been struggling to understand and make sense of recent events in you life get still during this eclipse and spend some time alone in the “darkness” – allow it to reveal answers to you and then use these insights to move forwards.
Eclipses come along to help you to move forwards and when you add this to the turning point of the year with the solstice and the energy of this intuitive Cancer moon helping you to deep dive beneath the surface to your real desires this is a new beginning like no other.

The summer solstice on Saturday 21st June. is the doorway into the second half of 2020. It is the longest day of the year, the peak of manifestation where you use the light and power of the sun to activate all you want to bring into your life.
It’s time to look back on this time of challenge, learning, adapting, slowing down and introspection and all that 2020 has brought you so far so that you can celebrate what you achieved and release the old to make space for the new.

 Reflections from the moon…Reflect on the following journal prompts and allow the wisdom and guidance of this moon to reflect back to you the answers from within…

What have you been suppressing, avoiding or not wanting to see or hear?
How do you need to take better care of yourself and start to put yourself first a bit more?
What boundaries do you need to put into place to take care of yourself and also to help you move towards your dreams?
How do you need to move forwards?

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse – Self-Care for Your Soul Yoga, Meditation & RitualSaturday 21st June, 7-9pm (UK Time)Join me for a powerful evening of moon magic, yoga, meditation, journaling and ritual under the Cancer new moon solar eclipse.Coming right after the summer solstice, the doorway into the second half of the year, this nurturing intuitive new moon is here to help bring you back home to yourself and call back your power so that you can make real change in the second half of 2020.The Cancer moon helps you to discover deep truths about what always holds you back and prevents you from going after what you want, encouraging you to face and heal this so that you can move forwards. This moon brings courage and power and alongside the solar eclipse a sense of real possibility and new beginnings.

Your intuition and inner guidance will be at their absolute peak under this moon, so we will use a yoga, meditation, ritual and journaling practice to really delve deep into what this watery moon is here to tell you.A moon of true self care and putting yourself first snuggle in for an evening of self-care for your soul under the Cancer new moon solar eclipse.Nature has opened the door to the second half of the year, and this moon is here to help you plan for it and to open that new chapter in your life.

Know that’s there’s a time to ‘be‘ and a time to ‘doLunar Living is an online sisterhood and programme where I teach how to weave the secret and wisdom of Mother Moon into modern, everyday life. It is a tool of immense self-awareness, self-care, nourishment, manifestation and purpose.  Coming back into a cycle and rhythm with the moon will be life changing. It offers you not only time, but also the space to get to the bottom of why you are feeling and living the way you are, allowing you to finally hear the call of your soul.

Rebekah Shaman

Dear Lunascopers

After the very airy and fiery moons of Gemini and Sagittarius, we are now heading towards the watery Cancer new moon. This moon usually represents a time of ripening and stabilizing, after the intensity of the spring growth. However, this year we are going through some planetary and cosmic chaos, that is having a big effect on Planet Earth. Not only do we have 5 planets in retrograde; Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Mercury, but we are also in an unusual eclipse season that has 3 eclipses, back to back.

The second one is the Cancer new moon Solar Eclipse right on the Summer Solstice, when the sun reaches its peak in the sky, in the Northern hemisphere.
This moon and solar eclipse is creating moonlight shadows that are shaking up the energy, both personally and collectively.

Eclipses illuminate what is hidden in the shadows, our buried and suppressed emotions, and old memories, traumas and wounds that still need to be dealt with.

We have already witnessed the power of this eclipse season with the re-igniting of the #blacklivesmatter movement, and the urgent need to address and change the deeply embedded historic racism and disempowerment of BIPOC, in our consciousness.

This watery new moon will continue the emotional rollercoaster, by bringing it back to a personal focus, and illuminates the issues around family, our roots, and who we really are. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and reflects the parts of ourselves that are not in alignment with our path and purpose.

You may find that the people around you are more needy, dependent and oversensitive during this moon cycle, as we feel overwhelmed with insecurities and fears around feeling safe. Regrets and disappointments may also come to the surface, especially in this new and uncharted coronavirus landscape.

Try not to get sucked into other people’s drama. The more you can stay centred, calm, and harmonious, the easier it will be to heal a difficult situation. Sometimes just listening, or a hug can shift emotional ‘mountains.’  

The Cancer new moon also illuminates the failings and weaknesses in our relationships. It reveals where loyalty really lies, where we feel betrayed, need support and security, and where we are feeling vulnerable and defenseless.

During a Cancer moon, it is easy to get lost in the ‘poor me’ syndrome, and feel that life is out to get you. Instead, see this as an opportunity to finally let go of a relationship that is no longer serving you.

Use the nurturing and compassionate aspect of this Cancer new moon to help you let go in a loving way, without any unnecessary emotional dramas. Stale relationships can keep both parties stagnant and locked in the past, distracting us away from our paths.

If you do get overwhelmed by negative feelings, find ways to calm the anxiety, fear and stress to see the blessings in the burdens. When we take personal responsibility for every decision we make, and accept reality as it is, and not as we would like it to be, we can let go and move on quicker.

If you don’t like some of the things that are happening in your life, make a clear decision to change it by first changing your attitude, and focus your attention towards the future and what you want to manifest.

To help with this shift, use the influence of this home-loving Cancer new moon to de-clutter and get rid of unwanted stuff. If you have not used or worn something for a year, get rid of it. When we de-clutter, we create space for new things to come into our lives, and this in turn can help us become emotionally lighter and clearer. 

The Cancer new moon is symbolised by the crab, reminding us to surrender to the flow of life. Even though it may appear to move sideways, it always reaches its destination.

The key this month is to surrender to the flow and balance any frustration, pain and anger with  surrender, forgiveness and compassion, to be able to surf this wave effortlessly.

As we reach the height of Summer, we can utilise the powerful and auspicious energy of this peak moment of the year to really make an energetic impact on the planet.

Now more than ever, when we come together with the right intention, and share our love, and connect our hearts, we shift our consciousness, change the ‘Morphic Field,’ and create energetic change.

Please join me for a very special Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse ceremony, on the Summer Solstice, Sunday 21st June, to connect to the Moon, hear her messages, and send our prayers of peace, harmony and love to all those who need it at this very auspicious and powerful time.

I will end this Lunascope with the wise words of Rumi:
“The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you
Don’t go back to sleep!
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep!
People are going back and forth
across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,
The door is round and open
Don’t go back to sleep!”

 All my love and blessings
from the urban jungle
Rebekah Shaman xxx


Sunday 21st June 2020

Join us online via Zoom at:

7:00pm – 9pm (BST)
2pm – 4pm (EST)
11am-1pm (PST)

 Join us for a unique experience… 
The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice

This is an auspicious moment of 2020.

Together, we will journey to connect with the powerful Cancer new moon solar eclipse energy, and find the clarity, guidance and direction we need to navigate through the emotional Lunar waters.A Shamanic Moon Ceremony gives us time for ourselves in a hectic and stressful world. It is the perfect space to switch off the outside chaos, and journey into the silence, to connect with the Moon energies, so that we can become clearer of who we are, where we are going, and the opportunities and possibilities available to us.


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