
Light workers says Lorie Ladd
alchemise the fear and divide.
Into love and unity
hold the love.
Let it run to ground.
Keep remembering.
coming back.
in love and compassion.
I am here to alchemise.
anger, rage, Hatred, separateness.
David Whyte describes how these emotions show us the love within us.
Keep connected to other light beings
we are mirror neurons
beads of light
strung around the world
speaking of love and understanding
we need to let everyone speak and be heard.
heal the pain
the awoke – illiberal liberals need to let it all be told.
Keep scribbling Drew says.
Find the words you fall in love with.
telling of this place of connection.
singing each other home.
Looking above the houses
to the fields and trees of green.
but also within the houses to the pain.
And misunderstanding and hurt And fear and grief.
Hold the space for the fear to come and go and know they’ll be ok

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