Lost word spell songs

SINGING NATURE BACK TO LIFEthelostwordsTHE AUTHORSROBERT MACFARLANESeek, find, speak• ThecreatorsofTheLostWordsdescribeitas:’‘abeautifulprotest’againstthe loss of everyday nature from our everyday lives in Britain and beyond’ and refers to Brecht:In the dark timesWill there also be singing? Yes, there will be singing About the dark times. JACKIE MORRISSeek, find, speak, createJackie Morris speaks of the ‘sleeping seed of a Read more about Lost word spell songs[…]

Poetry Dive 2 With Kim Rosen

https://www.kimrosen.net/events-1 What I take:- MY POEMS ATTEMPT – RABIA. All of what I would want my child to know my poems attempt. We are infants before each others are we not, so vulnerable to each other’s words and movements. A school I sat in cured me of hurting others. I have come to see that Read more about Poetry Dive 2 With Kim Rosen[…]


Animal Symbolism in the Alchemical Tradition Adam McLean – Levity.com Alchemy, as I perceive it, is a spiritual tradition, a means for exploring our inner space and the layers which clothe the precious essence of our innermost soul. It is a path, a way, a practical method for investigating the substance of our being, by meditating Read more about Alchemy[…]

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene in The Golden Legend Mary Magdalene had her surname of Magdalo, a castle, and was born of right noble lineage and parents, which were descended of the lineage of kings. And her father was named Cyrus, and her mother Eucharis. She with her brother Lazarus, and her sister Martha, possessed the castle of Read more about Mary Magdalene[…]

The Gnostic Myth of Divine Sophia

https://www.rebekahshaman.com The World’s Soul is a Woman – The Gnostic Myth of Sophia. Gaia.com So why is it that we have this understanding of the benevolent feminine nature of the world, but we don’t seem to let it shape our reality the way it could? Is it that we simply don’t know any better? I Read more about The Gnostic Myth of Divine Sophia[…]