Dark moon

Seed set.
Night returns.
Mary Magdalene is honoured.
The seed sistas dress as Amanita muscaria
Psychedelic fish swim by
Here with the sturgeon on the Lammas full moon.
back in my hometown with a toolkit
rediscovering the old with new eyes.
finding the beauty where I had previously seen none.
Joy says remember.
you are made of magic.
Heatwaves and hospitals,
groves and woods.
One day we’ll go out on a boat fishing thereservoir
Mary ascends.

Sally Pomme Speaks of the old moon.
the dark time at the end of the cycle
the time of review and reflection.

as this time of year the Islamic Hajj at the end of the year – Lammas time
a time reckoning.
a time to take stock before the first sighting of the new moon.
and Islamic New year 20/8 and an opportunity to do things differently.

a sense of completion, letting go emptying, going invisible.
before rebirth.
whta is finished, completed.
what am I letting go of.
what is dieing / slipping away.
what might be coming back/reborn?

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