- Prune Roses creating an open outward facing framework.
- Prune late/summer flowering clematis.
- Prune out dead; diseased or damaged wood from trees and shrubs.
- Complete pruning of Apple/ fruit trees.
- Prune winter flowering shrubs when the flowers have started to fade.
- Prune summer flowering deciduous shrubs that flower on the current year’s growth – eg buddleja, lavatera.
- Remove weeds from borders as necessary & Mulch if not already done in autumn – taking care of emerging bulbs.
- Sow hardy annuals for summer colour.
- Plant new climbers such as clematis / honeysuckle.
Vegetable Garden:
- Plant seed potatoes and chit tubers by placing them eye end up in trays or egg boxes in a light, cool, frost free place.
- Sow crops like broad beans, lettuce, etc. and place in greenhouses or cold frames for an earlier harvest.
- Plant asparagus – keep weed free and mulch with a thick layer of organic matter.
- Plant garlic.
- Apply general fertilisers including Q4, grow more / blood fish and bone to borders.
- Mulch tree and cane fruit after pruning.
- Keep on top of brassicas maintenance, remove any yellowing leaves to keep it tidy.