Aquarius until the 19th – Water bearer – purifying & nourishing the earth
Pisces from 19th two fishes swimming in opposite directions- All that was integrated from last year in germinating the seed and incubating/overwintering/weathering/nourishing the seed with the broken down goodness of latest year’s detritus gives rise to the roots & shoots of this years new life
Plough, make space in the soil weeding & breaking up the solid clumps & fertilise
1st feb – 1st March
Equivalent to 3.30 – 5.30am.
Birds singing & nesting
Dreams turning into plans.
Roots pushing down establish foundations
Prepare the ground.
14th Valentine’s Day birds wedding day
19th more rain than snow 2nd chinese solar season
New moon – waxing crescent
Monday 20th – Monday 27th
Equiv to midnight to 6am
Walk the garden dreaming, scheming and planning.
22nd Shrove tuesday / Mardi Gras Carnival / Hindu spring festival Vasant Panchami.

Ash Wednesday 23rd – start of lent
Time of purification
Spring clean.
Clear the Ivy.
Dig the earth but watch out for sleeping toads if turning the compost.
First early daisies and dandelion flowers.
First qtr moon – Waxing gibbous Rising to full moon
Monday 27th – Monday 6th March
Equiv to 6am to midday.
Sap rising
Sew crops that develop above ground.
Undercover – Aubergines & Sweet peppers – 6 plants of 3 cultivars.
& Sprouting broccoli – 4 plants of 2 cultivars
Chit potatoes
3rd Chinese solar – 6th March hibernating insects awaken earth aerated.
FULL MOON – Waning gibbous
Tuesday 7th March – 14th – Worm moon. – Equiv to midday to 6pm.
Rack & weed seedbeds, cover to help them warm up.
Rack the grass, removing moss
Last qtr WANING CRESCENT – dropping to dark moon
Wednesday 15th – 21st March – Equiv to 6pm to midnight
Prune roses, summer flowering clematis & deciduous trees & shrubs inc fuchsia & honeysuckle. Last chance to prune raspberries & fruit trees
Fertilise and mulch the soil compost veg patch & fertilise flowering plants esp roses, perennials and fruit bushes.
Review, reflect & rest