Lichen on bare branches, winds howl, birdsong builds, daffodils spear & leafbuds fatten
Love is in the air, on the song of courting birds.
February comes from the word februum (purification) and februa, the rites or instruments used for purification. Time to spring clean, out with the old, to make space for the new. Lent detox
Nature is beginning to stir, and just as the seeds are beginning to root and shoot, it is the time for us to start rooting the dreams and visions that have been germinating internally within us over the winter months. Getting a plan together (Aquarius roots (then Leo full moon full moon in Leo is all about love, tapping into our creativity, passions and desires) , Pisces shoots (Virgo full moon manifests the dreams in reality) – Aries breaks through to sunshine).
1st Imbolc (In the belly) St Brigid’s day.
2nd Candlemas
4th Lichun Spring Stirring – First period of the Chinese luni-solar calendar
12th Full Snow moon in Leo.
12-13th Tu Bishvat Jewish New year of the trees
14th Valentines day – birds wedding day.
18th Sun moves into Pisces
19th yǔshuǐ – More Rain than Snow
28th New moon in Pisces
Seeds Root & shoot – believe dreams turn into plans
Daffodils & leafbuds fatten

The poet Teba on a horse by Hokusai