I am made of magic.
I am see-through sparkles
I can walk on water.
I can speak to dolphins.
I can shapeshift and extend to the ends of the cosmos
I can sing in harmony with the stars.
I can do 50 consecutive backflips.
In fact, I can fly.
I can swim to the bottom of the deepest deep sea trench
without any breathing aid
And smell the creation of the universe
bubbling up from the centre of the earth,
through the underwater volcanoes.
I can hear colours, see sounds
And feel your emotions rippling through the air
onto little receptors all over my skin.
Poetry and Activism course with Drew Dellinger
I am Russian Tailor exercise
Facilitator: Drew Dellinger
Poetry and activism both emerge from our capacity for imagination, our interconnectedness, and our love for the planet–allowing us to transcend world-views of separation and experience a cosmology of connection. These workshops will explore poetry, arts activism, creativity and social change, worldview, the power of story, the “New Story,” and connections between ecology, justice, cosmology, spirituality, and creativity. All levels. No prior experience necessary.
* Please note that this is an online course, delivered via Zoom.
Event time: Thu 6th Aug 2020 at 8:00pm – Thu 20th Aug 2020 at 9:30pm
“Consider a new world view”
“Creativity with purpose”
“Transforming society through poetry”
In this three-part online course, begins with introductions and supper together followed by a performance by Drew Dellinger, open to the public on Friday evening. Over the weeks, Drew will speak about his teachers Martin Luther King (the subject of his PhD) and Thomas Berry who coined the phrase “the New Story”. This content will inspire and inform your personal concerns about the world within the context of the eco-social crisis and transformation of people and planet. Other dimensions to be considered include cosmology, compassion, social justice, democracy and rebellion, where Drew has been a leader for many years through his writing and poetry. There will be creative writing sessions, listening and time outdoors alone with your thoughts in beautiful surroundings. A good part of the course will be spent writing original material which you will be invited to share within the group, if wished, in a supportive atmosphere. No experience is necessary.
What you will gain
Knowledge about changemakers from recent history
Poetry writing skills
Confidence in conveying your message
Dates & Time
Thursday 6, 13 and 20 Aug at 8.00pm-9.30pm BST. To convert to any other time zones please click here.