Peace lab

Humanity Rising

Welcome to the Peace LAB
an Experiment & Journey in Peace

LABoratory ~ experiments, investigates, researches, and explorations, and some emergent design … ALSOLAByrinth ~ one winding, irregular, peaceful path in and out!

The Peace LAB is the culmination of hundreds of hours of intense dialogue within ChatAction. Its genesis came from one of our members, Kurt Krueger, whose infectious passion for peace opened the doorway to our quest. Thousands of articles, hundreds of organizations, and millions of people are dedicated to bringing peace into our lives and the places in which we live. If we, as humanity, know so much about Peace, why does it not exist in our families, neighborhoods, communities, regions, nations… and inside ourselves? We are aware of the roles that economic disparity, climate disintegration, systemic racism and power differentials play in our lives. Each of these, and multiple others, open up the jagged chasms that now divide us.  We seek to discover how to bridge the chasms and build peace together.

What is the Mystery of Peace (that which we do not know) that, if we were to discover and embrace, our realization of it would be faster and easier?

Are we, as humanity, misguided in our notion of Peace? Is what we’re experiencing a direct result of the manner in which we define and embody peace? Desiring a different reality, do we need a different approach? What would that look like?

The Peace LAB has been created to pursue these questions. We do not believe that doing more of one thing and less of another is the answer. We sense it is a whole new formula. It may have its roots in ancient wisdom and modern science. We don’t know. Do you?

The Peace LAB Logo

The Peace LAB

We are offering the following Peace LAB invitations:

  • The 21 Step Peace LAByrinth Challenge – sign up below to undertake the challenge, step by step.
  • Participate in Our Peace 2021 Survey – we are researching the “playing” field of peace in 2021.
  • Recommend novel ideas and practices that take us into different perspectives and actions for Peace.
  • Share your ideas, music, poetry, dances, ceremonies, and art during the Peace LAB HR week March 1-5.

The Peace LAB is an experiment.  We do not know what we will find.  We are ready to be surprised.

For more information on the Peace LAB, please check out – the digital encyclopedia of Humanity Rising and ChatAction “After Chats”. Stan Pokras has applied his 40 years of connecting people and information to create a living library of all HR recorded sessions, the AfterChat recordings, and links to all panelists and speakers, their projects and networks. Stan’s commitment to bringing about the Age of Helpfulness knows no bounds.

Step with us into the Peace LAByrinth Challenge

Starting Tuesday, February 2, 2021, we are stepping into our Peace LAByrinth logo, a gift of Marcia Raff, one of our artists-in-residence. As with all labyrinths, we begin by releasing our questions into the world. We then collectively progress through the 21 steps of the Peace Challenge – a series of experiences designed to clear, clean and ready ourselves for receiving the answers to our quest. From March 1 to 5, we will share and showcase how peace is emerging in 2021 and, together, walk the path out of the labyrinth.

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