Hey loves, Happy Venus Day – yep, Friday is Venus day. Day of love + beauty, a day to tend to your wants + needs. I can pretty much guarantee over the last few months that MANY of us have forgotten to do that. As women, we already feel like we’re not doing enough, yet when we take on an over-the-top amount of responsibility, when we feel like we have to solve ALL the world problems, right NOW, when we feel like we must do all the things we’re being told to do on the internet, chances are we get overwhelmed, shut down, burn out, dissociate, and/or numb out. This is NOT a useful state. Yet when Mars moved into Aries last Sat, I really sensed an urgency. How ’bout you? There’s a LOT of urgency right now. A lot of ‘stuff’ that needs urgent attention. AND we can’t attend to it all. We just can’t. We have to stay rooted, stay true, not rush to do ALL THE THINGS + remember that we ALL have different roles to play in this ever-changing landscape. I’m getting mail daily from women who are on the bloody edge feeling like they’re not doing enough, or they’re not fighting for enough things, or they’re being told to DO this + DO that + I’m reminding them, myself + now you, that we don’t need to DO what someone on the internet tells us to do. I care. DEEPLY. I can pretty much guarantee you do too, that’s why you’re here, in this community. I take action daily. Do I shout about it on the internet? No I bloody don’t. Also, guess what? We’re allowed to experience joy, we’re allowed to love what we love, we’re allowed to create AND not spend hours upon hours in debates/scrolling/calling out on the internet. We’re allowed to laugh AND make art, take action AND care deeply. My invitation? If you’re feeling like you’re not ‘allowed’ to do something right now, write your own permission slip. Don’t look to someone else to give it to you, or to validate that HOW you’re doing it is the RIGHT way. YOU CHOOSE. Don’t switch off or numb out + pretend that gnarly + uncomfortable stuff isn’t happening in the world, it is. Be aware, be awake, and anytime you feel off-centre, and not IN YOUR BODY, course correct yourself. A quick three second way to do that is to breathe in, let the breath move up your back, lengthening your body and to soften the front body as you breathe out, let the edges of your eyes soften, your jaw soften, your tongue soften, your throat soften, your belly soften – repeat this for a few minutes and then make choices + decisions from your centre. There, that’s better. Self-power. PRE-ORDER :: PRE-ORDER :: PRE-ORDERFINALLY. The SHE Sirens Oracle is available for pre-order. Hurrah. AND because you’re on the mailing list you’re finding out about it first + to thank you for your support, the first 100 people to purch-the-merch will get a lil love package of postcard, stickers, pin badge + love note from me! CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER The SHE Sirens Oracle is a no BS guidance system for navigating ‘these times’. The term sirens, throughout time, has been used to describe women who are dangerous. I’ve created this deck, because I want to offer another possibility. Sirens hold the feminine aspects of allure + seduction, how to be, do + have. Wild, free, embodied, cyclical, all knowing, Sirens are way-showers for freedom, pleasure, love, insight, wonder + revealment. Each card has been channeled, drawn + coloured-in with love and magic by me, Lisa Lister, to support you as you remember, reclaim + have fierce reverence for the beautiful, messy, complex, and bloody glorious siren that YOU are. SHE who is unapologetic in reclaiming her power. Her SHE Power. Each deck comes with a fold-out booklet with a short insight/share for each card. What I share is simply a guide for you to then dive deeper, to trust your own intuition + medicine-making ability – what the cards mean to me, may be totally different to what they mean to you, so the invitation is to make the cards your own. Let these SHE Sirens support + sing you songs of encouragement as you navigate the terrain of your own wild + unapologetic shores + edges.This is a PRE-ORDER situation. Your cards will NOT be mailed out immediately. Mail out of the SHE SIRENS ORACLE cards will begin on the next New Moon + will be sent with love + magic whispered over each + every deck + how long they take to get to you will depend on where you are in the world. Playbooks for both oracle decks – the opportunity to dive in + explore the mythos + medicine of each card – are being created in real-time in the SHE Power Collective – you’re always welcome to come join! Sending you BIG love and ALLLLLLLL the Venus Vibes – if you can, do something really bloody lovely for yourself today + remember that this weekend is a full moon in Capricorn and the final lunar eclipse of this particular eclipse season – we’ve got this, beauties. ![]() |