
Air heavy with pollen.
grasses exploding their flower seed.
Time of pollination and fertilisation, weddings and honey moons, fertility, birth and blooming

Gemini. Air-mutable-positive-Mercury-The twins-masculine.
Linda Goodman – Lovesigns

Named after the Roman goddess Juno – she was the god of marriage and childbirth, and queen of the goddesses, as well as being the wife of Jupiter, king of the gods. 

Juno was especially associated with married women, though she was considered the guardian of all women. Over time, the Romans even began to use juno as a term for the tutelary deity that accompanied every woman from birth to death. (The male equivalent was called the genius.)

Juno was invoked in connection with all aspects of female life. As Juno Lucina, for example, she was a goddess of childbirth. As Juno Iugalis (or Juno Iuga), she was a goddess of marriage and wedding rituals. More specifically, as Juno Cinxia, “Juno of the Girdle,” she presided over the loosening of the girdle on a woman’s wedding night.[1]

Juno was also a goddess of the state and of adolescent male soldiers. Much of the evidence for this role comes from central Italy. At Lanuvium, Juno was worshipped as Juno Sospita (also attested as Sispes or Sispita),[2] the protectress of warriors. This Juno had a particularly distinctive appearance, wearing a horned goatskin and pointed shoes and carrying a spear and shield.[3]


1st start of meteorological summer

6th New moon in Gemini

20th Summer solstice – start of astronomical summer

21st Sun enters Cancer

22nd Full Honey or Strawberry moon in Capricorn

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