Lunar eclipse in Taurus

The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus occurs on November 19th, 2021, at 3:57 a.m., ET, and will be directly opposite from the Scorpio sun in the sky. Eclipses in the same sign occur once every 19 years, so think back to that timeframe in your personal life to understand what’s to come on a deeper level now.

When the moon is in Taurus, it is in what astrologers call its exaltation or comfort zone and can express its energy easily. Ruled by the planetary goddess of beauty, Venus, Taurus represents material resources, money, wealth, abundance, the natural beauty of Earth, food, fertility, and sensuality. For the collective, expect shifts in our money, food, material resources, and Earth-related matters. And wherever this full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus falls in your chart, it places a bright energetic spotlight and initiates changes for the next 18 months.

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