Wild garlic and rhubarb

Cuckoos and dandelion clocks South easterly winds scatter blossom forget me nots and bluebells burst into blue seagulls and crows a jet black cat soaking up the sunshine and having it stroked in Flies darting to and fro in the sunlight and the dappled shadows dancing across the grass chased by a tiny tortoise the Read more about Wild garlic and rhubarb[…]

April / May moon gardening

Aries lunation  12th April – 11th May 2021   12th April – New Moon. Dream, Plan, Believe Weekend 17th April – Waxing crescent  Sew crops that develop below ground.  Parsnips Weekend 24th April – Waxing gibbous Sew crops that develop above ground.  Runner beans Tuesday 27th – Full moon  Harvest,  Weekend 1st May – Waning Gibbous.  Rack & weed Bank holiday Monday Read more about April / May moon gardening[…]

The spiky plant at the heart of the display

The spiky plant at the heart of the display It’s rigid blades of leaves, barely quivering in the wind, have been said to have sliced off a mans fingers. They are brown tipped dagger points  And look as if they could have been dipped in blood. There lies the pain at the heart of the Read more about The spiky plant at the heart of the display[…]