Rhythms of Life

Dancing Nature's Rhythms

First frosts

Frost forms in swirling ferns and birds sing it’s praise,crows call far out across the fields and beyond expanding my hearing and my heart as I follow the sounds into the beyond. The average first frost for many inland areas in the UK and Ireland is within the first ten days of November later along the Read more about First frosts[…]

Beaver, Mourning or Tree Moon or for me Remembrance Full moon in Taurus

Beaver, Mourning or Tree Moon or for me Remembrance or Ancestors Moon The November full moon in Taurus opposite from the Scorpio sun rises the eagleScorpion, Phoenix, Eagle, now rooted & reborn, the Eagle in the form of the naked tree spreads its wings to the winter winds, as the darkness draws in around us Read more about Beaver, Mourning or Tree Moon or for me Remembrance Full moon in Taurus[…]

Martinmas / Remembrance Day

St. Martins day -patron saint of soldiers  First calendar day of winter in many european countries Winters day marches in with frosts Start of winter  Slaughter of animals laying in of stocks of cured meats in preparation for winter Blodmonath November pre Christian thanks to gods sacrifice Bede calls pagan rituals vanities their Sacrificing animals Read more about Martinmas / Remembrance Day[…]

The Dark time – Know thyself

Samhain to Valentines Day (Deep dark – Sagittarius & Capricorn) Stalking our inner selves “There was no one near to confuse me, so I was forced to become original.” Haydn. Brew, Stew. Soften the shellRoot November. December. January. February

The week of blazing leaves and Apple harvest

The Exquisite chemistry of autumn colours  Are not caused by death or decay But rather exist dormant within the leaf it’s entire life And are only revealed When their work of generating green chlorophyll is done And these inner colours are revealed in translucent luminosity. Autumn colours – something understood Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfandhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000197l